The main theme of my work are human relations in all their different facets, interpreted through fairy tales and mythological stories. The mixture or combination of these different narrations is stressed by the hybridisation of the characters and superposition of unlike iconographies. I use different means to achieve the result I’m looking for, by drawing, engraving, painting or even making small objects. My work is developed by series that have in general a book as a starting point.The specific series of work “you are my realm”, started in 2001, is based on the idea that painting is a skin which covers up the canvas creating accidents and wounds where pleasure and pain are intimately associated.The slowness of the process is very important, layer by layer, and colour by colour. A thick lay of painting is not only about a mass accumulation. In fact it allows, like any skin, scratches, scarification, cuts, ulcers, to tear and thorn parts of oil painting matter in a violence disguised in delicate operations.Painting became a permanent research, epidermal archaeology between the different layers of painting.…the painting surface, like a lover’s skin, became my realm.